Thursday, March 18, 2010

More food for thought

Last night, I was irritated with my older children. They were tired after an early morning and long day, including track practice. In addition, Katie has a pulled hamstring, again, plus other aches and pains that come from jumping hurdles. So they both went to bed early. When I came into the kitchen later, I saw that they had both ignored their evening chores, even though I had reminded them each several times. I was bugged. I stormed around, thinking that I was tired, too, and complaining in my heart that I am always left to finish the chores if they don't do them, as if I don't have enough to do. I was working myself into a real fuss until a thought came into my mind that really made me think.

"How often do I fail to do the chores I am assigned by my Father in Heaven?"

I thought of all the times I haven't followed promptings to help someone or haven't been very diligent in my visiting teaching. I also thought about all the times I have let thing slip in my church callings. It was pretty easy to see that I am certainly not perfect, either, in this area. That made me wonder how many times Heavenly Father has had to get someone else to do the job I have been asked to do. Tail a bit between my legs, I was suddenly feeling much more patient and understanding towards my busy teenagers.


Afton said...

wow...I'm feeling a little humble now and hopefully more patient next time I have to pick up dirty laundry up off the floor that I asked my kids to pick up. (That would be right now.) Thanks for the reality check!

Amy Beatty said...

I loved this. Thanks so much for sharing. I like you blogging everyday. It's like my good thought for the day.

Whitney said...

What a great mommy you are, and I loved your food for thought! That is a good way to think about things.