Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Power of the Atonement

Do not forget who you are. You are sons and daughters of God, our Eternal Father, and He loves you. You can lay any burden that you feel like you are carrying on the shoulders of the Lord Jesus Christ as you internalize the Atonement and let that be real in your lives. Remember what He did in Gethsemane and what He did on Golgotha for you and me. Then, somehow, someway, the power of heaven gives you the strength to carry on, do the best you can, to move forward, and not to be too concerned about your own personal worries.
--Elder M. Russell Ballard, Single Adult Conference, May 2007


Wendi said...

I'm one of Liz's friends. And I love her blog. I discovered this blog through hers. I hope you don't mind if I follow it. I can use all the inspiration I can get! Thanks. :)

Our Family said...

Hi Wendi! Any friend of Liz's is a friend of mine. Follow away!